Monday, August 24, 2009

Castle in the Air

While camping I was asked if you could live any where, where would it be and what kind of house would you live in. I'm not very good at coming up with spur of the moment answers so here is my answer after careful consideration! Come and take a tour of my house o' dreams.......

A cool, misty breeze plays against your face as you stand looking out over the crashing waves. The scent of the sea and green growing things fill your senses. You can feel the beat of the waves as they crash against the cliff face far below you. The sight of the setting sun turning the sky a brilliant rainbow of reds and oranges setting the sea below aflame reminds you that it's time to go. You take one last long look at the sea you love so dearly and turn to go. You can hear the sigh of the wind and imagine it's telling you good bye.

You walk down a path through the leafy moss covered trees, ferns brushing against your ankles. The breeze rustles the leaves in the trees making them sound as if they are having whispered conversations that only God can know. Every once in a while you catch a glimpse of the ocean through a break in the trees, its constant woosh muffled by the trees. You round one last bend and then you see it, your home!

Tucked on a hill side above the shore; againt a forest full of enchanted things, sits the little piece of heaven on earth God has seen fit to bless you with! Close enough to hear the lullaby of the waves but far enough into the trees to be protected from the fierce power of the ocean when a storm has come. How you love to watch the waves grow higher and hear the thunder boom in response, the lightening illuminating the storm tossed sea in almost terrifying flashes.

You stop and take in the view for a moment. The house is small, but that's how you like it, you can't stay mad at the ones you love in a small house! The covered front porch is deep and wide, how you love to sit out there in your rocking chair with a book sitting forgotten in your lap as you contemplate the wonder of your Saviors creation.

The deep brown color reminds you of chocolate and and the white of marshmallow. Your favorite drink inspired this color combination! The flowers that grow in riot up around the porch are in full bloom, the many colors and scents making for a heady experience as you get closer. You absentmindedly place your hand upon the gate post, it's weathered gray surface worn smooth by the hands of the many friends that have done the same.

You hurry down the stone path and bound up the steps as the rain starts to come down. Even though darkness has fallen outside the light hasn't left your home. The soft colors of the sea and shore grace your home. The soft blue-grays and greens of the sea. The light yellows, creams, pinks of the shore have inspired you in your decorating. No anchors or pelicans in sight, but more subtle touches of the coast have found there way into your home. The sand dollars you search so hard to find line the mantle, only the perfect ones please! Drift wood worn smooth by the relentless tide, sea glass, pebbles, shells and a few prize Japaneses glass floats are also scattered about. In the center of the mantle sits your favorite find you know what happens when lightning hits the sand?

Pictures of your happy life line the walls, book cases filled with the books you love so much, the joyful voices of loved ones filling the silence and the wonderful feeling of love and peace that fills a Godly home make this your sanctuary. This is home.

So ends the tour, sorry abut the length! I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into one of my air castles. If you've even made it this far, and if you have I applaud you; this is very long!=)

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