Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 4~A Song that Reminds You of Somewhere

A soft, warm, salt scented breeze blows gently and caresses the back of your neck. You close your eyes and turn your face up towards the sun, smiling as you feel it's rays warming your face. You suddenly open your eyes and race towards the blue foamy surf and as you jump over the crest of a wave you.....

.....Are about as far away from where today's song takes me as possible! There is one song that takes me back to a certain time in my life more then any other. The Coffee Song by Frank Sinatra. I had just discovered my love of Frankie and listened to his cd over and over the distract myself from the overwhelming nausea I was feeling. Now every time I throw up (Which if you ask my family is a lot. I am a bit of an epic barf-er!) I here this song in my head the whole time and every time time I hear it it makes me feel vaguely nauseous!

Not the most picturesque or romantic picture in the world, but it's the song that most strongly reminds me of somewhere, unfortunately that place includes my head in a toilet bowl.....


  1. HAHAHA I'm sorry but the fact that a song reminds you of throwing up is hilarious to me. I definitely did not see that coming when I started reading this post!

    Somehow I've never heard this song - thanks for sharing!


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