Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Starbucks Tuesday!

I'm joining Kellie over at Nothing Less Than Bread for her very first Starbucks Tuesday link up! =)

I had a toasty warm, tall, caramel macchiato! I normally get these iced, but the 35 degree temperature made the iced drink seem less then appealing! 

My Starbucks cup and me, 
What happy friends are we,
I always drink em dry,
Don't even have to try,
My Starbucks cup and me! =)


  1. Hi-hi-hi!!! So excited!! THANK YOU for joining me! I was SO excited to see your name next to the linky thing!! I should give the caramel maccchiato another try!

  2. hehe, I love caramel macchiatos! Or is it macchiati since it's Italian?

  3. I can see why you bowed out of NaNo. I almost did too. I'm mostly just going to try it, not hold myself to actually doing it. Too busy.

    I hope the movie is fun! At least, the new house 8-D

    Starbucks sounds nice right now. I've been chilled all night and most of the day, and yesterday. Maybe I will make some tea.



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