Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Adventures of Tilly the Tardis.....

Is it sacrilege to give the my mini Tardis a name? It might be, but I just can't seem to shake the notion that her name is Tilly.....

So here you have it folks, the summer adventures of Tilly!

Who knows where she'll turn up next! ;-)


  1. Oh! Oh! MY HOUSE!! Or umm On a Tank at Fort Carson... or or... Maybe a winery, or Garden of the Gods.. who knows where else!!! ;) LoL you allbeter be staying for two days...

  2. Ahhhhh I love the Doctor. Have you watched the newest season (7) yet? So sad we have to wait until Christmas for the next one after only 6 episodes! Dislike the British idea of "series" they are wait to short in comparison to ours over here.

  3. I LOVE the one with the baby! So cute!!!

    The Doctor gave his TARDIS a name...and his granddaughter named it TARDIS to begin it wasn't really the name he gave it. So giving yours a name sounds very Time Lord. Especially since it is a girls name.



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