Monday, June 13, 2011

Blog Party! Day Three~Reading List

Grace over at Puddles of Memories is hosting a blog party....I may be a few days late, but I'm going to try and keep up from now on!!

Today we are supposed to post a list of the books we are planning on reading this summer! I'm funny, I always feel the urge to reread some of my favorite books in the summer, so most of these I've read before, I'll let you know if it's a new one!

~The Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce
I love these books, I first read them when I was 11 and have been in love with Tamera's work ever since! These I reread every summer!

~Gone With the Wind and Scarlett
I hate Ashley and love Rhett. I know should act like Melanie, but there is a small part of me that soo wants to be Scarlett! The sequel was written by Alexandra Ripely and takes place mostly in Ireland. A definite must read for the Gone With the Wind fan. STAY away from the movie adaption of the sequel, it is garbage! =)

~Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow
I just got done reading this one, but will be reading again soon. It is a MUST read for anyone who worries, and who doesn't?? I devoured it the first time I read it and need some time to process before I go through it again. Hopefully I will find someone to do the bible study with me.....anyone interested? We could work something out over the internet I'm sure, weekly posts or something like that, let me know! =)

.....and that's all I officially have planned! I'm more of a, let's go to the library and browse spur of the moment kind of reader! I read tons in the summer (okay, I read tons all the time, but it seems like even more in the summer!) and am looking forward to revisiting my old summer faves!

Oh! I will also be rereading/retyping the books I need to edit and re-enter into my computer, so let's add...

Into the Woods (A modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast) 


Refrigerate After Death (Book one in the Rolling Pin Murders) that above list! 


  1. Oooh, I should have added Tamora Pierce to my list too...whoops! =P Those books are utterly brilliant!

  2. I understand completely- I love to reread things during the Summer. I usually end up getting a lot of unplanned Brian Jacques done during the Summer- that man was and still is my hero.


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